We work to raise awareness of the migration phenomenon and promote the existence of the real freedom to migrate.
Through both information provision and contact with a migrant we educate students from middle and high schools in Italy,
Guinea and Senegal.

We work to raise awareness of the migration phenomenon and promote the existence of the real freedom to migrate.
Through both information provision and contact with a migrant we educate students from middle and high schools in Italy,
Guinea and Senegal.

We work to raise awareness of the migration phenomenon and promote the existence of the real freedom to migrate.
Through both information provision and contact with a migrant we educate students from middle and high schools in Italy,
Guinea and Senegal.
The program “Educate without Borders” for 2023-24
Educate without Borders is a year-long educational program on the theme
of migration carried out for secondary school students in Italy, Senegal, and Guinea.
Its goals are:
raising awareness of the immigration phenomenon and the labour market through correct and updated information
Have students learn about migration from the testimonies of those who have experienced it
encouraging creative opinion expression about immigration through group working and public speaking.
Erminia Florio – cell: +39 340 266 5402 | e-mail: sophia@sophiacoop.it
The Educational Path




After this lecture, Sophia provides students with support to elaborate a project work based on their changes in the perception of immigration. The project work might be (but is not limited to) videos, photos, poems, songs, namely students with their imagination transform the contents received from the program. Finally, Sophia organizes a public event where students present their project works to other students, teachers, politicians, and workers involved in the non-profit sector. This year the final event will be simultaneously held in Rome and in Dakar.
“Educate without Borders” over the years
Methods & Research
Sophia’s educational projects are built according to the proprietary methodology Information and Knowledge for Change (IK4C) developed during several years of practice “in the field”. The methodology aims to change the perception of the migration phenomenon in three steps:
For Change:
Sophia’s IK4C is subject to multiple impact studies conducted in collaboration with the University HEC of Montréal. In June 2021, Sophia has won the international prize “Economy and Society” of Centesimus Annus Pro Pontefice Foundation – Vatican City and will conduct the research: The effect of information campaigns on students’ intention to migrate: Evidence from Senegal. Here you can find the research project and the other researches carried out.

Sophia Social Enterprise
Sophia Cooperative is a non-profit Social Enterprise born in Rome (Italy) in 2013 to foster the freedom to emigrate both raising awareness of the migration phenomenon and facilitating the integration process in Italy. Inspired by the theme of discernment and the Encyclical “Caritas in Veritate” by Pope Benedict XVI, four young people created the Sophia Cooperative, where Italians and migrants work together. Today, Sophia is composed of 13 associates aged between 24 and 38 from Italy, Africa, and Asia. In cooperation with the Migrantes Foundation – CEI, Sophia Cooperative has developed programs to raise the awareness of the migration phenomenon and has so far reached over 10,000 students aged between 11 and 19 since 2013 in Italy, Senegal and Guinea. In addition, funded by the Episcopal Conference of Italy (C.E.I.), Sophia follows the integration process of numerous migrants in Italy from the Francophone Western African area (Guinea, Mali, Senegal).
Sophia’s ever wider WE: Creating Value through Integration
International Projects Team

Marco Rupoli – President

Mor Amar – Teacher

Erik Conte – Educational Programs

Erminia Florio – Research

Dullal Ghosh – Teacher
News & Press

Prix Économie et Société : au Sénégal pour étudier les effets de l’éducation sur l’envie d’émigrer.

Tout a commencé par une rencontre… Mor Amar fondateur de la Coopérative Sophia rencontre le Pape
Partners & Supporters

send an email to sophia@sophiacoop.it
or call +39 340 266 5402
Our main office is at the following address:
Via Alfonso di Legge 49, Rome 00144 Italy
Via Alfonso di Legge 49, 00144 Italy

VAT number: 12361831006 | REA number: RM – 1368479 | Registration number in the Cooperative Register: A226985
sophiacoop.it |
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